- Blog/
Hello World?
Table of Contents
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("Hello World?");
return 0;
Why did I create this blog? #
I want to get one thing straight right off the bat: I realize that I am an incredibly lucky person. I have the opportunity to engage in all these fascinating conversations with people I encounter and learn from daily. Sometimes these conversations are with myself. Nontheless I recognize that I am incredibly lucky person for having these moments where I can sit with someone—perhaps with myself, a buddy, or a stranger I met while waiting in line at Chipotle—and exchange some really cool thoughts.
Many of my teachers, from middle-school through to my professors at CMU, have stressed the importance of writing things down. No doubt about it, in a learning context, being able to capture class content in your own notes has been proven to improve various aspects of one’s performance.
But the benefits of writing things down extend beyond just the classroom. In my writing process, I spend more time thinking then I do writing. And most of this thinking is really just organization. The actual process of transferring mind to paper—or this case device?—while preserving semantics is a really handy way I can comprehend my own thoughts, but more importantly, share them with others.
So whats the perfect venue for me to make the most out of the many interesting conversations I end up having? Its a blog! Because I write my experiences down! Surprise!
My motivation behind creating this blog is twofold: to enhance my understanding of my diverse interactions and discoveries, and hopefully, by sharing these experiences, to provide insights that others might find helpful.
And I’m not gonna lie. I sometimes forget some pretty awesome conversations that I end up having. My brain sometimes pulls the classic and indiscriminate “garbage collection”, tossing out both the ‘junk files’ and ‘useful data’ alike. So this blog? You can also consider it my fail-safe cloud backup. Gotta make sure no precious memory gets swept away in the cleanup.
What can you expect from this blog? #
This blog will span a diverse spectrum of topics. I’ll delve into fascinating concepts I’ve encountered both within and outside CMU, share the programming and personal tools that have become indispensable in my daily routine, introduce underrated dishes that you should try making, and even provide valuable lessons I wish I had known earlier. If you are thinking these are a very broad set of topics, don’t worry I agree with you. Check out my Tags section to view posts ordered by category. Hopefully that makes the search for specific topics a little easier for you.
How often will I be posting? #
I plan on posting regularly, an entry every two weeks. I find that this balance allows me to keep my content fresh and engaging, but is also manageable alongside my other commitments. Should I recall or stumble across a particularly interesting conversation or a compelling piece of knowledge, I may just drop in an unscheduled post. So stay tuned!
Some closing thoughts? #
I started this post stating my luck in having daily, enlightening conversations with the people I come across. But the true hallmark of my luck isn’t just experiencing these enlightening conversations-everyone’s life is a unique and valuable learning journey. What truly sets my fortune apart is now having a platform to share my experiences, and those of others, with a wider audience. I can’t recommend enough the practice of writing about your own experiences, whether that be in a public blog like this one, or elsewhere. The process not only helps you understand yourself and your thoughts better, but it also allows you to look back and reflect on how far you’ve come. I look forward to sharing the evolution of my thoughts with you! Thanks for reading!